Starlem International Ltd

Starlem International Ltd provides the latest and other cutting-edge technology implementation while utilizing the best human capital of our times.

Our workmanship and materials/ supplies match the best and the most affordable; yet at the most affordable prices we know! Our clients do at least to the quality of our works and services.


Starlem International Ltd was incorporated on August 28,2011 under Cap.486 of the Laws of Kenya.

It is thus, a duly registered Limited liability company Certificate of Incorporation No.(C.82344.

The company is, today a general construction entity that specializes in the buildings &construction works and other mechanical and electrical works.

Our Business Overview

Starlem International Ltd ‘s main business line is in building and construction work. The business is managed from the office premises at Forest Lane next to the Nairobi Gymkhana, Nairobi. The specific works and services have, as a matter of need and practice been executed at various client sites
The trust of our businesses is building and construction works and services. Our managing Director is himself an engineer by training with vast experienced and with wide exposure; including management of this business.
Starlem International Ltd plans to expand her business capabilities and products in the near future in line with her her stated vision and mission. Ultimately, Starlem projects to become a player in the “Big League”.

Our Key Capabilities

Starlem International Ltd has an impressive array of products and services that she has brought on brought on board over time. Our market the SMEs, drives our products innovations and growth. We are, however, not limited to these and are seeking to enhance our range of works and services in the near future

Our main products include:-

  • Building & construction works
  • Roads works/civil engineering
  • Interior finishes
  • Painting
  • Office partitioning
  • Flooring works
  • Welding works & services
  • Electrical works & services
  • Aluminium & gypsum works
  • Resonated finishing
  • Repair and maintenance 
  • Accoustic ceiling, Tiling
